Just say No

In today's world everyone seems so busyPeople have become so busy that family meal time at the kitchen table is becoming a thing of the past.

Time spent just sitting with family and friends enjoying each others company is hard to do when you are over committed and always on the go running from one activity or event to another.  Believe me I know all too well about running from one thing to another.   

Volunteering at church, at both of my children's schools, helping family, keeping up with sports practices, conditioning and games not to mention keeping your laundry caught up, your house in some kind of decent order, feeding your family, helping with homework or homeschooling can lead to an exhausted, worn out mommy.

And while these things are not necessarily bad things and a lot of them are important sometimes we just have to learn to say no to certain things in order to keep our priorities straight and first things first.

I encourage you to look at your schedule and really re-evaluate it. Pray about the things you are involved with and allow God to help you determine the things that are truly important and then say no to the things that aren't.

The past few years I have really stopped volunteering as much for things because I was seeing that my family was suffering. I still volunteer at my kids school on occasion when I am needed. I still help at our church but in a much less time consuming ministry than before.   I still help with things but I have really gotten to a place where right now in this season of my life  "being over" something or in charge is just not my thing.  I am enjoying being a helper and letting other people take the lead.  This allows me the maximum amount of time with my husband, kids and to take care of our home.

I mean after all what is going to matter when this life is over? All of your volunteering and busy work? No, what will matter is the time you spent with your family, with your kids teaching and training them in the way they should go.   What will matter is were you saved? Was Jesus Lord of your life, of your home and of your children's lives?

We need to slow down, say no to the busy-ness that the devil would like to see take over our lives and work on building a relationship with our Lord and with our family. 

Are you over committed?

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